RE-GARDE_des jours anciens
RE-GARDE_urban version
Re-Garde is a contemporary dance show that investigates the sense of sight: an innocent and clean dimension of a gaze that rests on things and ironically knows how to have fun with life. A Pascolian boy's observation, free of any conditioning and free to express himself and assert himself. On stage two men, mirror of their projections, are ready to suffer or receive, to give or lose, to be manipulated, provoked, abandoned. The body is controlled and vigilant as the gaze but does not give up enjoying moments of relaxation and breathing. A hypothetical and absurd noir subject that admits the existence of a more pleasant color and perspective, close to the human sphere and carnal vision of life in modern times. The alternation between opposite binomials allows to cross the delicate boundaries that separate youth from old age, in a time suspended between gesture and poetry.
Choreography and performance : Francesco Colaleo and Maxime Freixas
Musical composition : Maxime Freixas
Production : Cie MF | Maxime & Francesco
Co-production : Artemis Danza/Monica Casadei, Parma (IT)
Collaboration : ACS Abruzzo Circuito Spettacolo, Teramo (IT), Rete Anticorpi Network, Ravenna (IT), Residenza Idra, Brescia (IT), Teatro Akropolis, Genova (IT), Theatre de l'Oulle, Avignon (FR)
Thanks to Magali Viguier for the hospitality at Espace 13, Béziers (FR)
Thanks to the company Propos for giving studio support with the Studio Lucien, Lyon (FR)
First prize of the choreographic competition "Premio Outlet" in ex aequo directed by Eleonora Coccagna, Teramo (IT).
First prize for the choreographic writing of the competition Cortoindanza directed by Simonetta Pusceddu Cagliari, (IT) + circuit by BORDERLINE DANZA Salerno, (Italy) " Raid Festival".
Second prize of the Tobina competition directed by Association Ngamb'art, Paris, (FR)
Third Jury Prize, Audience Prize, at "Les rencontres chorégraphiques Corps et Arts" Seynod, (FR)
Selected at NID platform, Gorizia (IT)
Artistic residence in Micadanses Paris, (FR)
22nd October 2024 --> Re-Garde >>> International Theatre Festival Alter Ego 2024 (BL)
19th October 2024 --> Re-Garde >>> Ramificazioni Festival, Corigliano (IT)
13rd October 2024 ---> Re-Garde >>> Unfold Motion, Timisoara (RO)
17th March 2024 --> Re-Garde >>> La Vallonière, 2 dates, Cailloux-sur-Fontaines (FR)
4th November 2023 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Dans'Hybrid, Melun (FR)
28th July 2023 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Saint Hilaire Danse, Saint Hilaire (FR)
29th June 2023 --> Re-Garde >>> Attraversamenti multipli, Rome (IT)
5th July 2022 --> Re-Garde >>> Danzare il tramonto, Ozzano dell’Emilia (IT)
24th June 2022 --> Re-Garde >>> Scène et Formation, Villeurbanne (FR)
3rd March 2022 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Theatre Le Liburnia, Libourne (FR)
26th November 2021 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Kulturzentrum Tempel /Scenario Halle, Karlsruhe (DE)
30th November 2019 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre Apollo, Mondavio (IT)
9th September 2019 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Festival Le Temps d'Aimer la Danse, Biarritz (FR)
18th April 2019 --> Re-Garde >>> Evening AntiCorpi XL, Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata, Pesaro (IT)
31st March 2019 --> Re-Garde >>> "la Jacobelle", Jacob Bellecombette (FR)
1st December 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> Aux Échappées Belles, Lyon 9 (FR)
19th September 2018 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Bac à Sable, Espace éphémère d'arts, Lyon (FR)
15th September 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> French Institute, Essaouira (MA)
13th September 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> French Institute, Kénitra (MA)
12th September 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> French Institute, Tanger (MA)
8th September 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Le Temps d'Aimer la danse, Biarritz (FR)
16th August 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Nuove Terre e Concentrica, Deiva Marina (IT)
15th June 2018 --> Re-Garde_urban version >>> Festival le Liberté en Ville, Toulon (FR)
9th June 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Danza estate, Bergamo (IT)
29th May 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Fabbrica Europa, Firenze (IT)
26th May 2018 --> Re-Garde_urban version >>> Festival Interplay, Turin (IT)
29th April 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre Garibaldi, Bisceglie (IT)
26th April 2018 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Conformazioni, Palermo (IT)
23rd March 2018 --> Re-Garde_urban version >>> Festival On Marche, Marrakech (MA)
17th January 2018 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Theatre de l'Oulle, Avignon (FR)
3rd December 2017 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Spazio Theatre Idra, Brescia (IT)
19th November 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival TenDance, Latina (IT)
4th November 2017 --> Re-Garde_version urban >>> Festival Teatri di Vetro, Theatre del Lido, Ostia (IT)
19th October 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> NID Platform, Gorizia (IT)
23rd September 2017 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Festival Caffeine, Merate (IT)
17th September 2017 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Teatro Menotti, Milano (IT)
5th September 2017 --> Re-Garde_urban version >>> Urban Dance Festival, Bologna (IT)
23rd August 2017 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Le Hangar, Lyon (FR)
21st July 2017 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Officine Papage, Rocca Sillana Pomarance (IT)
17th and 18th June 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> 31e International Choreographers' Competition, Hanover (DE)
10th June 2017 --> Re-Garde_urban version >>> International Festival La Strada, Brescia (IT)
2nd, 3rd, 4th June 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Maldà enDansa, Barcelona (ES)
18th May 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre delle Briciole, Parma (IT)
15th April 2017 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Theatre Akropolis, Genoa (IT)
2nd April 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre Garibaldi, Enna (IT)
16th March 2017 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Theatre Nuovo, Naples (IT)
10th March 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> choreographic competition Corps et Arts 2017, Seynod (FR)
4th March 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre San'Andrea, Pisa (IT)
27th and 28th February 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> Spazio Electa, Teramo (IT)
26th January 2017 --> Re-Garde >>> Salone Snaporaz, Cattolica (IT)
23rd December 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Art and Culture Centre, Ladispoli (IT)
9th and 10th December 2016 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Gérard Philippe Theater, Meaux (FR)
2nd December 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Les Petites Scènes Ouvertes (PSO), Artigues-près-Bordeaux (FR)
19th and 20th November 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Warsaw Zawirowania Dance International Choreographic Competition, Warsaw (PL)
From the 3rd to the 13th of October 2016 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Artistic residency at the Theater Idra, Brescia (IT)
1st October 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Cantieri Teatrali Koreja, Lecce (IT)
2nd September 2016 --> Re-Garde_urban version >>> Festival Urban Life, Brussels (BE)
30th July 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Ticino in Danza, Stabio (CH)
19th July 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Kilowatt Festival at Piazza Torre di Berta, Sansepolcro (IT)
From the 1st to the 10th of July 2016 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Artistic residency at Theater Akropolis, Genoa (IT)
30th June 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Inequilibrio, Castiglioncello (IT)
5th June 2016 --> Re-Garde_urban version >>> Festival Entrez dans la danse, Paris (FR)
29th May 2016 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Public presentation at the T OFF centre, Cagliari (IT)
From the 21st to the 30th of May 2016 --> Re-Garde_des jours anciens >>> Artistic residency at the T OFF centre, Cagliari (IT)
20th May 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Interplay, Theatre Astra, Turin (IT)
8th May 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> III edition of 40ZERO54, Torri Dell'Acqua, Budrio (IT)
6th May 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Ra.I.D Auditorium Centro Sociale, Salerno (IT)
5th May 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre Municipale, Mercato di San Severino (IT)
27th April 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre Sala Fontana, Milan (IT)
16th April 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival InSincronia, Piacenza (IT)
18th March 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Rotonda a mare, Senigallia (IT)
29th January 2016 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre Piccolo Bellini, Naples (IT)
13th December 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Teatro dei 99, L’Aquila (IT)
11th December 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre Spazio Electa, Teramo (IT)
18th November 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival des idées mode d'emploi, Theatre la Vila Gillet, Lyon (FR)
12nd November 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Zoom Festival, Theatre Studio, Scandicci (IT)
8th November 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Theatre San Materno, Ascona (CH)
21st September 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Ouverture delle Arte(N)contemporanee IV edition, San Leucio (IT)
18th September 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Rete Anticorpi XL, Ravenna (IT)
29th July 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Dans le cadre de la manifestation Dix en Scène à la Mairie du 10eme, Paris (FR)
3rd, 4th, 5th July 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Tobina Festival Dansons 2015 edition, Paris (FR)
26th June 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Quelques pas à Beauregard At the domaine of Beauregard, Seyssinet-Pariset (FR)
13th June 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Onze Bouge at the Salle Olympes de Gouges, Paris 11ème (FR)
6th and 7th June 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Cortoindanza Festival VIII edition, T-Off Theatre Tersicorea, Cagliari (IT)
5th June 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Mouvement contemporain, Micadanses, Paris (FR)
5th May 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> De Micheli DANZA Festival, Municipal Theatre De Micheli, Copparo (IT)
23rd April 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Fondazione Aterballetto, Reggio Emilia (IT)
From the 22nd to the 28th of March 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Finalists of the "Outlet Prize" competition, Teramo (IT)
13th, 14th and 15th March 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> XII edition of the Choreographic Meetings, le Pecq (FR)
From 18th February to 3rd March 2015 --> Re-Garde >>> Residency at the studio Lucien, Lyon (FR). "Thanks to the Cie Propos for the offer of Studio Lucien".
21st and 22nd November 2014 --> Re-Garde >>> XII edition of the choreographic meetings "Mouvement contemporain" at the Mathis Centre, Paris (FR).
29th June 2014 --> Re-Garde >>> Festival Rencontre danse amateur 2014 at La Cigalière, Sérignan (FR)
25th January 2014 --> Re-Garde >>> Public showing, Parma (IT)
From the 14th to the 25th of January 2014 --> Re-Garde >>> Artistic residency at the International Dance Centre (CID), Parma (IT)
From the 6th to the 8th of January and from the 6th to the 8th of February 2014 --> Re-Garde >>> Artistic residency at the Centre l'Espace 13, Béziers (FR)